August 6, 2017

Dear David Icke,
I always enjoy your presentations and was much struck with a recent one that touched on sperm counts and fertility.  Many years ago the History Channel recounted a conversation a couple of thousand years ago about why the men in a city were effeminate; possibilities mentioned included choice and something in the environment.  Explanations to this day can generally be so categorized, but at Harvard medical school we were told, “If there are fifteen ways to treat it, probably none of the treatments are much good.”  In fact the weight of evidence is that the culprit is mating strategy. 

Everyone knows that in the old days we all married cousins, and there were lots of babies; now nobody marries cousins, and there aren’t enough babies.  The classical textbook on mating strategy is Kinship and Marriage by Robin Fox.  Recently he capped it with a chapter that might be entitled “Kinship and Fertility,” but he was blunter: “Marry in or Die Out.”  (Handbook on Evolution and Society eds. J. H. Turner, R. Machalek and A. Maryanski, Paradigm Publishers, Boulder and London, 2015 Chapter 19 page 350)

Read them both; don’t take my word.  But my impression is that traditional societies – all well time tested – by and large specify certain relatives among whom one may marry, exceptions being the Inuit (no rules but no non-relatives either) and modern high tech society (now failing the time test.)

Your guess as to why this unfortunate strategy exists is as good as mine.  My guess is that love cures all, but people treasure status above love.  As to how this might have been deliberately foisted upon us, it would require subtlety, cunning, guile, resources and motivation beyond my own imagination. 

Keep up the good work.

M. Linton Herbert MD         

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